All the specs say the motherboard chipset is a nVidia GeForce 7050. Mine has 128 mb video ram. Is it possible to expand this? Do I have to buy a graphic card from the GeForce 7050 series, or can I get one from the 9500 or 9600 series? How much video ram can my motherboard handle?|||From the looks of your motherboard, you can use a PCI-Express card. You don't have to use a 7050 Series, that's just what comes on the motherboard. You can use any ATI Radeon or nVidia GeForce card available, as long as you have enough watts in your PSU (Power Supply Unit) to power your rig.|||Buy a new one regardless of size or price.
Your 7050 is not a video card, its a graphics processor, and it's not expandable.
Get the video with the PCI-Express slot.
Make sure you have correct power suply for the 9 Series. Those things use a lot of energy. Usualy 450.
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